If you need to respond to a small accident, the first aid kit may be your first resource after calling for help.
Non-fatal injuries in the workplace cause about 11 lost work days and $1,560 per year per worker, according to a 2020 survey published in Injury Prevention.

Here what you should find:
Gauze pads. Large size will be about eight by 10 inches. Smaller pads will be four by four inches.
Adhesive bandages for small injuries.
Triangular bandages.
Wound cleaning agents, possibly a sealed pack of small moist wipes. These should be checked regularly to be sure they are still usable.
A blanket.
Adhesive tape.
Gloves, latex or latex-free. OSHA requires latex gloves, but vinyl or nitrile gloves protect those with latex allergies.
Resuscitation equipment. A resuscitation bag, airway or pocket mask.
Elastic wraps.
Emergency directions.
You might also find a break-open cold pack. If the emergency kit doesn't have one, consider adding it. This can be useful if someone sprains an ankle or incurs another soft tissue injury.