What should you try to accomplish in 2022? Goals don’t have to all be mountains, but when we plan the little, necessary things, it can make our lives easier, save money and free up our time and mental energy for the big things we’d rather focus on.
* Get your wheels checked. Properly aligned wheels saves money on repairs later.

* Replace your smoke detector batteries. It takes a few minutes at most and can save your life in a fire.
* Call “the guy.” You should get your HVAC system, roof, appliances and pipes inspected regularly to prevent little problems from turning into huge, expensive repairs later.
* Get your teeth, skin and eyes checked. Talk to your doctor about any other regular recommended checkups.
* Take your pets the veterinarian. Pets need checkups too, as well as annual vaccinations and blood work to identify any potential problems.
* Clean out your closets. Get rid of old stuff that you don’t wear anymore and make room for new things that you actually like.
* Take a deep dive into your finances. Are you meeting your savings goals? Is there an unnecessary expense that can be trimmed?
* Do something for yourself. Go on a trip, build and renew your connections with others, do things that make you happy. Think of it as a bill that comes due every month or so, and if you don’t pay up, you’ll regret it.