If you are among the one-in-four people who are sensitive to pollens or mold spores, remember these ways to fight mother nature.

1. Stay inside most of the time between 9 a.m. and sunset. Doctors at the National Jewish Medical and Research Center in Denver say that during the day, thermal currents and winds toss ragweed pollen and mold spores around in the air.
2. Protect your eyes from flying pollen. Wear glasses, sunglasses or wraparound goggle sunglasses.
3. Go out after a downpour. Heavy rains wash pollen away. Stay inside after a light rain, which could make the pollen situation worse.
4. Check your local air quality. Pollution makes allergies worse. If there is a pollution alert, stay inside as much as possible.
5. Use your air conditioner. It recirculates air instead of bringing pollen-laden air inside. Change the filter frequently. Use the air conditioner in your car as well.
6. Use a dehumidifier in damp areas to fight mold. Wash the shower curtain and bath rugs frequently.
7. Talk to your doctor. If your medication is barely keeping up with the high pollen count, ask if you can increase it.
Work with your doctor to determine which medication is best for you. Often, people have to try two or three before finding the one that works best for them.
The editors of Prevention magazine say hypnosis may decrease the effects of allergies. The allergies are not psychosomatic, but studies show that the mind controls more of your physical responses than many doctors or patients realize.