A wonderful thing has happened to fathers since the day of the “man in the gray flannel suit.” That was in the 1950s and 1960s when kids were expected to be quiet, not bother Dad, and stay out of the way. It wasn’t true of all dads, but it was for many. Their work was their primary interest and family came in a distant second.
It took a couple of decades for things to change. By the 1980s, dads were beginning to take an interest in their sons and daughters. In the next decade, they were spending more time with them, but actually raising the family still seemed to primarily be the mother’s job.
Around the time of the millennium, a transformation was taking place. The great thing about it was that fathers were becoming involved in all aspects of their childrens’ lives. That included sharing the responsibility and pleasure of bringing up their sons and daughters.
It’s a joy to watch today’s dads as they interact with their children. They are involved in their kids’ lives. They can change a diaper, take care of a three-year-old, advise a middle-schooler and give driving lessons. What’s more, they are enjoying it.
A sincere Happy Father’s Day to all of the dads who work with us. The world will be a better place because of you and the capable children you are raising.