Here are five ways to attract attention when lost:

- Sound: A whistle is a great tool for attracting attention because it’s loud and requires less energy than yelling for extended periods. Three short blasts is the universally recognized distress signal. You can also use your voice to call for help, but reserve it for short bursts to conserve energy.
- Light: A signal mirror can be highly effective during the day. It can reflect sunlight towards rescuers at great distances. At night, a flashlight with a strobe function or flicked on and off in threes (another distress signal) can be a good way to get noticed.
- Visibility: Wearing bright clothing can significantly increase your chances of being seen. Opt for colors like orange, red, or yellow that stand out in natural environments.
- Ground Signals: If you’re in an open area, you can create large signs or symbols on the ground using rocks, branches, or anything else available. SOS is a universally recognized distress symbol, but you can also try building large arrows pointing in the direction you came from.
- Fire and Smoke: Building a fire is a good last resort, as it can be dangerous and attract unwanted attention in some cases. However, if you can control it safely and create a thick column of smoke, it can be a very effective way to signal for help, especially from the air. Make sure to only use this method if you have proper fire-building skills and know it’s safe to do so in your environment.