- Seal it up. Insulate the attic; stop air leaks; install energy efficient windows when it’s time to buy new ones.
- Plant trees. Carefully positioned trees can save up to 25 percent of a household’s energy consumption. Plant them so they shade the house.
- Circulate air with a ceiling fan. They are especially effective in large rooms, common areas and upstairs bedrooms.
- Use a digital thermostat. Set it so the house is not as cool during times of the day when no one is at home. It will work automatically and save time and money.
- Cook with care. Cook outside on the grill to keep the heat outdoors. Don’t use your oven on hot days. Cook with the microwave more often.
- Unplug the second refrigerator. It could be costing you $200 or $300 a year, especially if it’s an old one.
- Fix hot-water drips. A single dripping hot water faucet can waste 212 gallons of water per month. Fixing the drip saves the cost of heating water.
- Light for less. Use compact florescent light bulbs in your most-used lighting fixtures.